
MMI Services, Inc. has a full line of services to complete all your abandonment needs

  1. Write up Notice of Intent (for the DOGGR).
  2. Locate wells and prep locations.
  3. Conventional Rig to pull rods, tubing, casing, fishing, or any other services needed to complete the abandonment project.
  4. Dig sumps, move in tanks, or wash out bens.
  5. Coiled Tubing or Conventional Rig for all your abandonment needs.
  6. Placement of all your cement plugs.
  7. Placement of all your mud plugs.
  8. Wireline services for cavity shot, link jets, casing cut, or any other wireline services need to complete the abandonment project.
  9. Construction services for digging out well head and for cut off, site clean up, or any other services need to complete the abandonment project.

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